
By: Paul Neave. Category: Board Games. Played 561 times today, 129,892 times all-time.

Hexxagon: An Othello clone with great graphics and sounds! Rated 4 out of 5 with 22 ratings

Instructions: This game is very similar to Othello. Take over as many board spaces as you can. Move by clicking a piece, then the space you want to move to. Moving 1 space duplicates your 'blob', while moving 2 spaces moves your piece. The game ends when the entire board is filled.

Sorry, you will need the <a href="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer/" target="_blank">Flash Player</a> to play Hexxagon.
How to bookmark this game: Press Ctrl-D. Or try Command-D on Mac

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